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Camden Society of Artists fosters artist's works and appreciation of art. The Soci...
Campbelltown has a long history of cultivating talented artists and celebrating th...
The Nepean River Trail stands as Camden's first significant public art trail, feat...
Cobbitty Gallery is nestled in the quiet village of Cobbitty NSW and is a local co...
In a world seemingly overloaded by a daily avalanche of images, through Instagram,...
Little Orange is a Campbelltown Arts Centre working studio for artists who identif...
Club Menangle Museum displays many historic photographs of the club, memorabilia, ...
Dredge's Cottage is a good example of a late nineteenth-century Victorian house co...
Come and visit Campbelltown, also known as Koalatown! Campbelltown is home to t...
The Sculpture Walk showcases the artistic talent of local entrants in The Western ...
The Sculpture Garden is in the grounds of the Campbelltown Arts Centre. It is a la...
Campbelltown Arts Centre offers a range of guided tours for the general public and...